Medical and health programs for health restoration and maintenance

All military personnel need the following for rapid rehabilitation:

  • swab from the throat and nose for flora and sensitivity
  • The number of G antibodies to candida albicans and mold
  • PCR of viruses in the blood: type 1 and type 6 herpes viruses, Epstein-Barr and Cytomegalo viruses.
  • Helicobacter blood antibodies.
  • Protein level (in g/l), albumin level (in g/l).

Indications for prescribing Bioven 10% for intravenous administration:

  • Septic conditions: bacterial, viral, burn, toxic, fungal and others.
  • Wound infection, amputations, injuries of various degrees.

Features of conducting droppers with Bioven 10%:

  1. Charge the physical system. solution
  2. Connect Bioven 10%.
  3. Drip slowly, 25-30 drops in one minute.
  4. From 2-5 vials, depending on the weight and severity of the condition.
  5. At the end, switch the dropper from Bioven to physical. solution up to 50 ml.
  6. During and after the dropper, do not use: diphenhydramine, analgin, hormones, cytostatics, except for dexamethasone.
  7. Repeat the course of treatment, if necessary, in 10-12 days.

Analyzes in dynamics should be checked no earlier than in a week

Professor Kazmirchuk V.E.